Why do shelf need to be checked regularly?

Shelving is a widely used storage equipment in modern warehouses.Regular inspection, finding and solving problems in time are important prerequisites for safe use of shelves, and also important measures to prolong the service life of shelves. Imagine if the shelves could have been used for ten years, but after regular inspection and proper maintenance can be used for one more year, or even a few years, that is certainly earned.Here Aceally will introduce in detail the matters that need to be checked regularly and their significance.


Shelf regular inspection matters

1. Check the tightness of the shelf bolt connection.

2. Check the connection between the crossbeam and the column, whether there is damage.

3. Check the bending degree of the rails and the leveling degree of the rails at both ends of the channel.

4. Check the degree of deformation of the bull leg, whether there is cracking phenomenon, whether it is level with the ground.

5. Check the condition of the bollard, whether there is damage.

6. Check whether there are scratches on the surface of shelf parts, etc.

7. Check the stability of the shelf, and check the stability of the force.

8. Check the verticality of the shelves to see if there is a tilt. 

Shelf regular inspection significance

1. timely detection of abnormalities and damage, early processing and replacement, to maintain the stability of the shelves.

2. Can properly extend the service life of the shelf, so that the shelf use value is greater.

3. Eliminate a variety of problems to avoid threats to the integrity of goods and personal safety.

More related reading on shelving:

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Post time: Aug-17-2021