5 precautions for fire protection of storage racking warehouses

For a storage racking warehouse, fire safety is the top priority. When using storage racks to store and store goods, fire protection is essential. So, what should be paid attention to in warehouse fire protection?

1. Fire separation measures shall be taken between the loading (sorting) operation area and the storage area, and the structural stress system of the loading (sorting) operation area and the storage area shall be relatively independent to ensure that the overall collapse will not occur in case of fire; the maximum allowable building area of the fire compartment in the loading (sorting) operation area can be determined by referring to class C workshop in the current national standard code for fire protection design of buildings; The maximum allowable floor area of the storage area and the maximum allowable building area of the fire compartment can be determined according to the current national standard code for fire protection design of buildings.

storage racking

2. The fire resistance rating of logistics distribution center building shall not be lower than grade II. The warehouse storage rack logistics distribution center of steel structure shall adopt reinforced concrete columns, or adopt the fire-proof materials for steel columns, or adopt the combination of coating and fire-proof materials to reach the corresponding fire resistance limit specified in the specification.

3. The number and width of emergency exits, evacuation distance, evacuation stairs, etc. in the loading (sorting) operation area and storage area shall respectively meet the relevant provisions of class C plant and warehouse in the current code for fire protection design of buildings.

4. Loading (sorting) operation area and storage area should be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing system, automatic alarm system and smoke exhaust facilities according to the current national standard code for fire protection design of buildings.

5. The logistics storage rack building of the logistics distribution center shall be equipped with a circular fire lane, which shall be at least 1 / 4 of the length of one long side or periphery and no less than the length of one long side, and shall be equipped with a stairway or entrance directly to the outdoor within the range of the fire-fighting surface, and at least 15-18m open space for fire-fighting operation shall be set on one side of the fire-fighting surface.

Post time: Feb-21-2020